
Saturday, August 28, 2010

I'm baaaa-aaack!!!

Hey everyone.

It's been a long, annoying, and unpleasant summer. But I'm back in Ithaca and I'm once again motivated to work on Project Gina. I kind of lost interest over the summer because too much was going on and I couldn't concentrate. But now I'm back. I have a LOT of classes and work to do this semester, but I promise to try and stay more up-to-date on this blog with what's happening.

I also have a few ideas for a couple new stories I want to try and get started on, although I think I left the notes for the one at home. I think I can remember most of the storyline, though.

So keeping this short, I will update soon with what I've gotten around to.

Have a good weekend everyone!
Until Next Time!

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Revision Time!!

So I had a teacher motivate me today, and I've begun revisions on Project Gina. In about two hours, I've done 65 pages. Yay! My goal is to finish the first go-around by Sunday night, because I gave a copy of it to my teacher, and I kind of want her to have the edited one as soon as possible, so she can beta-read for me and give me my second round of revisions that way. And then the third round will be mine again.

I'm gonna keep this short so I can get back to editing, but I'll keep everyone updated as I go along :)

Until Next Time

Sunday, April 25, 2010

End of Semester Blues

Hello, folks :)

I haven't updated since I finished Project Gina. I haven't gone back to it yet - and I don't honestly know when I will - to begin edits. The end of a semester is a rough time in college. Everything the professors couldn't get done and desperately NEED or WANT to get done get piled up and they scramble to finish everything on time. So us poor students get dragged down with hours of work and large assignments and final papers/presentations/projects.

Today alone, I had a group meeting for one class, and I've been trying to catch up on four ads for my Media Writing Class that I fell behind on. I've been working on them on and off since 12pm New York time, and it's now 8:30 and I've only finished 2 of the 4. Needless to say, my brain is fried and I'm doing one more thing for one more ad, and then it's quitting time.

The biggest problem with all this work, is that I barely have time to read, let alone start edits for Project Gina. I'm speed-reading through Kelley Armstrong's YA trilogy. Then two books are coming out this month that I want, and I have the three Claudia Gray books.

So, with a big dramatic sigh, Project Gina must go on hold for now. And maybe I can start editing it over the summer, when things are a little less crazy. Until then, I'll try and do a little bit here and a little bit there. But school and homework must - grudgingly - be the priority.

Anyway, I'm off to finish my last assignment of the night, and then I'm relaxing until about 10, taking a shower, and calling it a night.

Until Next Time!
Meredith :)

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Shadow Soul is Finished!

At 46,850 words, Shadow Soul - the first MS I've been able to complete in five years - is now finished and ready to undergo edits.

This is both a happy and sad thing. Sad because I love this story and the characters and I'm not ready to leave them. Edits will allow me to stick with them for a little while longer, though, which is good. But it's also a happy thing because like I said above....This is the first manuscript I've been able to complete in five years!!! That's so important to/for me!

I can now say I have TWO completed manuscripts :) This makes me very happy.

So I'm going to leave it alone for a few days now, and then I'm going to go back to it and begin editing. I already have two friends interested in being my very first beta readers :) :) :) :) This makes me very happy, also!

In the mean time I have: two other WIP's I would desperately love to finish; one story I need to outline and then write; and one idea that's still being played around with. And, the way I ended Shadow Soul, it leaves it open for a potential sequel. So maybe I won't be leaving the world of Shadow Soul just yet :)

Anyway, I'll update in a few days with where I'm at, Shadow Soul Editing wise, and also in other news.

Until Next Time!
(A very happy) Meredith

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

The End is Near!!! (But this is a good thing)

Hey everyone! I have some exciting news!!! I'm at 42,076 words on my WIP, and it's almost done! This is both a happy, exciting thing and also a sad thing.

Happy because I haven't been able to complete a manuscript in 4 years. Sad because I've enjoyed writing again, and I'm worried an idea like this won't come around again for another four years, and I'll be back to being depressed that I can't write anything good.

But hopefully the editing process for this current WIP will keep me busy long enough to accumulate new ideas and I'll be writing again shortly :)

Anyway, I said (on twitter) that I was headed to bed like..2 hours ago. So I think I need a break to refuel and decide my next scene. I can't decide if I want to do an "aftermath" of what just happened, or switch to the "Hell" scene and wrap up the loose ends there :) We'll see. I'll decide that tomorrow, I think. For now, bed!

Until Next time (when I'll hopefully be DONE with my WIP)
Meredith :)

Monday, April 12, 2010

Good Books are Bliss

I've been taking a break from writing, since I wrote 6,000 words on Saturday. I think I deserve the break. Instead, I've been reading. I read Succubus Shadows by Richelle Mead in about 2 days because it was so amazing.

Like I said when I talked about Bethany Griffin's Handcuffs, I'm not a book reviewer and I don't know how to be. So this is way unofficial, but I hope you still enjoy it:

The Georgina Kincaid series is one of my favorites from Richelle Mead. I love Vampire Academy, and the Eugenie Markham books have a very different feel to them, and stand out from the crowd of books that all read the same story in different ways. But the Georgina books are my favorite. I love Georgina; she's smart, witty, funny, and she has good intentions - despite being one of Hell's minions. She still wants to do good and that's awesome.

Succubus Shadows was one of my favorites in the series. I don't want to give too much away, but there's a big chunk of the book where Ms. Mead allows us to get a glimpse into what life was life for Georgina over the years, leading up to present day. There's some closer with Seth, which I'm sure everyone was dying for. But I'm also very suspicious now of some people and some things. And I seriously can't wait for the next book. I don't know if I CAN wait. The cliffhanger at the end of Shadows was just as taunting as the cliffhanger that Heather Brewer places at the end of Eleventh Grade Burns.

I think, once the final book is out, I'll probably reread every single Georgina book in a row. Sound like a plan? Awesome :)

Next up: Gayle Forman's If I Stay. I'm only 80 pages in, but this book is both amazing and heartbreaking and funny and sad - all at once. I find myself wondering what I would do if I was in Mia's position. And it's brought tears to my eyes. At least twice. It's a fast-paced, easy read, and so far I can't put it down. If it weren't for homework, I WOULDN'T put it down. But - sigh - I must try and get some more homework done before bed.

One last thing before I wrap up. I just want to say that reading a good book is bliss. It's comforting. You become one with the story and the characters, and you feel their pain; you smile when they're happy; you cry when they're hurt. And once you finish the book, it feels like a small piece of you is gone. Some days, I finish a book and I can't seem to get into whatever new book I start right away, because I'm so fixated on the previous book.

Am I the only one who feels this way? Am I totally insane, or does someone else feel this way, too?

Anyway. Homework. Ew. Maybe I'll take a quick shower first, to wake myself up. Then homework.

Until Next Time

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Word Count WOW (Updated)

(Update) Final word count for the night: 37,000 words. Damn. Time to break!
So....My goal for tonight was 35,0000 words. And I've gone over that by almost 2,000 words. And when I started writing this morning? I was only at 31,709. So....I'm not sure if I have no life, or if I'm going crazy. That's 5,000 words in one day. That's 3,000 more than I can usually write.

And considering I started off this morning with writer's block, and then hit it again after only 300 words...

So. Am I:
A) Crazy
B) Lacking a life
C) In the midst of a creative flow that's just too crazy to contemplate?

I'll update everyone with my final word count of the night - once I get there.

Until Next Time!

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Word Counts, Bookstores, and Handcuffs

Hey everyone. I wanted to do a quick blog on a few different things, two of which move away from JUST my word count updates, which consist of 98% of the blog entries I've done so far. I figure that's getting a little old, and I need to expand my topics a little bit.

So I'll get the word count update out of the way first: 30,207. My goal is 35,000 by Saturday night. And since I won't be here most of tonight and I have work most of Saturday morning, my Plan B is 35,000 words by Sunday night. Either way, by the end of the weekend I want to be at 35,000. I think I can! I think I can! I think I...can't? We'll see.

Next up: I'm going on something of a road trip today. The fabulous Kody and I are hitting the town in an attempt to figure out what bus takes us to Barnes & Noble. We plan on sitting there for a few hours, at least, and just checking out all the books and sharing what we like and don't like, and offering suggestions to each other. I know for me, I'm going to be buying Kelley Armstrong's new YA, The Reckoning. I also plan on checking out some books by Courtney Summers, Sarah Dessen, and Elizabeth Scott - all authors that Kody has suggested to me.

Next up: I've never done a book review, so this is kind of an...unofficial review of the amazing book Handcuffs, by Bethany Griffin. The main character is Parker Prescott. And After finishing the book last night, I felt like Ms. Griffin had written my autobiography - sans handcuffs. Haven't tried those. Yet :)

Anyway....Parker is considered an Ice Princess - cold. frigid. But she's really just a little shy, the nice girl in her family. The GOOD girl. I can relate to this. I actually once had a friend tell me people thought I was a bitch, and stuck up, because I didn't talk to people in the hallways at school. And really? I was just shy. I avoided saying hi to people or making eye contact because I was extremely shy. Once you get to know me, you'll probably say to me, "No way you're shy..." But I am. I'm working on it. So I know how Parker feels.

Also, Parker has an infatuation with her ex that she tries to deny, and I've definitely felt that way before. She also has a good friend to keep her sane, and I DEFINITELY have my good friends, whom I'd be lost without.

Would I blackmail someone for money? No. Would I let a guy handcuff me to a chair? .... Maybe? :) I, never! But there are a lot of ways in which I feel connected to Parker - I didn't even list half of them - and I could read that book over and over and over. It will sit on my list of "Best books in the universe" for many years to come.

Bethany Griffin did an amazing job making Parker real, relate-able, and interesting. She moves the book along, and you really get a good look into her mind. I know it's first person and you ALWAYS see inside the mind of the character telling the story, but this was intense. I felt like I knew Parker. Like she was a real person. Like I WAS Parker. A book hasn't touched me in this way in a long time.

Congrats, Bethany, for an amazing job well done and good luck in all future projects.

Now I have to go do homework...This was much more fun than homework -_- Wish me luck! And then in a little bit, off to B&N to do what book nerds do best: browse!

Until Next Time

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Goals Are Good. But Sometimes, Just Let it Come Naturally

I've never set myself to a word goal before, but I did with this new project. Project Gina, I'll call it, so it's less confusing if I mention other projects at all. Haha.

Anyway, I set myself goals and I think there was only one day when I missed a goal. And then once I hit 25,000 words, I didn't bother making a new goal. Because I was going on increments of 2,000 words. And I realized that goal would take me to 29,000 but I wanted my next goal to be 30,000 because it hits more of an accomplishment mark.

So right now, because I have a really busy week, I've just been writing at my leisure, for the most part. I'm up somewhere at 27,000 and change. I don't remember how much the change part is without looking, and I have to leave for class in 30 minutes (I'm nowhere near ready...)

Another reason I've been sitting idle on my goals is that I'm sort of stuck. And that hasn't really happened with project Gina. A few times, minor, and then I've gotten through it. This is a pretty big...."What now?" I feel like I can seamlessly switch to a new scene, without it being awkward. But then I wonder if I should switch to Hell instead. I know that doesn't make sense to most of you, but it does to me. Haha. And a Hell scene feels more practical right now. But...I just had one, and I like to space those out.

Any suggestions, anyone?

Well, I'll think of something, hopefully. Maybe I need to think a little and just...Ah. See? Writing through your problems helps. I just found my solution.

I still welcome suggestions, if anyone has some! And now I must finish getting ready for - groan - class.

Until Next Time!

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Word Count Fail Turned Win! (Update)

I made my word count! Yayyyyy!!! I'm at 23,016. I think it's time to call it a night. I'm exhausted and my eyes want to kill me for staring at the computer for so long. Yawn. A lot.

Until Next Time!
(A very happy) Meredith

Word Count...Fail?

This may be the first night that I DON'T reach my intended word count. I'm 1,465 words away. But I'm hitting one of THOSE blocks. Ugh.

The only thing I have going for me is that my roommate has friends over, and until they leave, I'm awake. I'm okay with this because it will force me to work. I'd hate to miss my word count for the first time since I started this project just because I get tired or uninspired (Hey! That rhymed. Closet poet? I think so.)

So...I'm going to keep pushing it. And hopefully I can do it. Before I go to sleep, I'll update this blog and let you guys know. Cross your fingers for me, please!! And send some inspiration my way!

Until Next Time (Which will be in an hour or two, actually...)

Friday, April 2, 2010

Word Count Win!

I'm so excited right now. My plans for the night changed. And since I was tired and not feeling great, I stayed in and wrote. And in writing almost non-stop for several hours, I reached my 20,000 word count goal. And then some :)

I have to be up for work at 8:30am. So for now, I'm going to keep this short. I don't really have anything to say, anyway. I mostly just wanted to jump up and down and scream "I reached my goal" at the top of my lungs :)

Thanks for listening to me...say nothing :) Haha.

Until Next Time

PS: If you're curious, my current word count is 20,174. Tomorrow's goal? Meh...just gonna say 23,000 for now, since work will take up most of my free time. And then Sunday's goal is 25,000 - which will put me at about the halfway mark :)

Writing High

Man, I feel like I'm on a writing high or something. The buzz from being able to write is just indescribable if you've never experience it before. And after 4 years of writers block on three previous projects, it feels ESPECIALLY GOOD to be able to write freely and with almost no snags.

Sure, there are certain points when I hit a snag and I'm not sure what's going to happen next. But for the most part, I've been breezing right through this thing. I was at 13,0001 last time I updated this blog - sometime Wednesday night. I'm up to 17,200 now. That feels so good. I started this project Monday night, I believe, and I've written 17,200 words in about 3 and a half or 4 days. It's incredible and awesome and unbelievable.

I feel like a weight has been lifted off my chest, and like some of my anxiety has disappeared. because for a long time, I went through this period where I was almost panicking, wondering if I'd ever be able to write something of my own creation again without getting stuck after only five pages. Writing is one of my stress outlets and without it, I felt lost.

But I'm back in the saddle, guys! And I'm so excited to get to the end of this WIP. Because despite the fact that I basically know how it's going to end, I still can't wait to see it happen! It will also be sad though. Because if I finish this and then hit writers block again on all other WIPs or new projects, that weight might come back. I'm hoping I can use this new writing style I'm using, though, and keep writer's block at bay from now on.

So my goal for today: 20,000 words. That may or may not happen, just because I have a group project to work on from 4pm until about 12 am, and then work tomorrow morning. But we'll see. I'm not holding myself too firmly to my goals right now, but it's nice to have a starting point and ending point. And it feels good to hit those goals, too. It makes me feel accomplished and excited.

So, I have a little more time before I need to go drop something off at work, get lunch, and go to class. In the meantime, I'm going to keep writing, and I'll keep you guys posted as things happen :)

Until Next Time

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

GMAIL Frustration...SOLVED!

So originally, I posted this blog with the following problem:

"This has nothing do with writing. but does anyone know how I can change this account over to my gmail account? Because I want to be able to use gmail followers instead of just hitting "follow" and have no picture show up. Anyone know how I can do this??"

But guess what? I FIGURED IT OUT!!!! So now when I follow people, my username comes up as "Meredith" - which is nice, because that's what my comments come up as - and a picture actually comes up! Now, I can't figure out how to CHANGE that picture. But for now, I'm just happy a picture actually COMES UP. So it's all good :)

Until Next Time (And with less frustration, I hope)

PS: Word count update: 13,001 (I love that random 1. Lol.)

My new NEW Project

Okay, so you know how I said I had a new project I was working on? That was my "baby"? And how I said that I know I always say a new project is my baby, but this time I meant it?

Scratch ALL of that. I have finally had success.

Right now, I'm working on a that is by far my favorite. It goes above and beyond being my favorite.

It has a working title for right now, and I don't want to say too much about it, because I don't want to jinx it any more than I might already have. So I'm just going to end this on one final note:

I've written 12,000+ WORDS (thanks for catching that, Amy!) in three days. That hasn't happened since I finished my first MS in 2005. The closest I came was my vampire YA in 2006. So I'm really excited for this. I'll keep you guys posted as I can.

Until next time (Wish me luck!)

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Outlining Isn't Easy - Without a Story

Whenever I hit writer's block, I'm told outlining helps to get through it. But how can you outline a story when there's no story to outline?

That's my dilemma. I just came up with this storyline a few days ago, and then incorporated something funny that happened to me a day or two after that. I started trying to write on Tuesday, but I really don't have anywhere to take it yet. I started with getting some character names set up, and a little brief background on my MC. I have one idea for one scene, and it's only half the scene at that.

I always say that the story I'm currently working on is my "baby" but I really kind of love this one. It's NOT a vampire story, which I've been obsessively working on and getting nowhere with. And that kinda makes it one that I'd actually like to finish. I've only ever finished one manuscript, and that was in 2006. It's time to finish another, and get back to querying. I've even been thinking of editing the one I first tried to get out there so long ago. We'll see what happens.

Until then, I have to leave for class in fifteen minutes. So...

Until Next Time

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

The Beginning of a LONG Journey

In the past, I've started - and later stopped or forgotten about - the blogs I've created. I've tried doing them on several things. Sometimes it's just an everyday, whatever pops into my head kind of blog. Sometimes it's a book review blog. Once before, I tried to document my journey to publish my novel at the time. Well, I've come full circle, and I'm back to trying to get published. And one of my good friends (who I don't want to just name drop without asking her first) told me that having a blog is really helpful, especially if you start getting a lot of followers. So I'm going to give it a try again.

Currently, I'm working on a new creation that's slightly different from what I normally do. I usually prefer vampire stories. But the one I'm in the middle of has taken me four years, and it's still only 80 pages in - probably less. So now, I'm working on a new genre. This one, which has a working title for now, is about a girl who gets a curse placed upon her, and must now try to break the curse - or die trying.

I'll keep this blog updated as best and as often as I can. Until then, I'm off to start outlining - something I rarely do, but that I feel I need this time.

Until next time